Advocacy Group
The Member Advocacy Group was formed in 2013 as a way for Clearwater-Polk to better reach its membership, help members understand the coop business and understand what the membership wants and expects from their cooperative. With representatives comprised of your own membership, from each district, the group meets quarterly at Clearwater-Polk Electric in Bagley. Each meeting has selected topics that are shared and discussed with the group. That information is intended to be relayed to other cooperative members. The group is also kept up to date on select current legislative action that could affect the well-being of your cooperative. If you are an interested in joining your Advocacy Group someday, please contact Tara Webb in the Member Services Department at 218-694-8205.
2024 Advocacy Group Members
From left to right: Lynn Riggs-District 3, James Sundquist-District 1, Brad Borene-District 1,
Sue Ekre-District 2, Erick Nelson-District 3, Dan Larson-District 2
Bottom of picture: Ron Sovick – District 2, Marilyn Lanners-District 3
Not pictured: Ben Machlitt-District 1
A huge thanks to those participating now and have in previous years!