
It's a priority of Clearwater-Polk Electric Cooperative to help our members take advantage of cost-effective energy efficiency electric heating programs for their home. If you have an energy improvement project or you're considering a heat source change, you could be eligible for a rebate. The Clearwater-Polk Rebate form is available below or at our office. 

All rebates are provided in the form of a "credit" to your electric bill.  Please be sure to read the requirements in the rebate application.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Tara in Member Services at 218-694-8205 or Matt in Member Services at 218-694-8204. To reach the main office you may call  218-694-6241 or toll-free 888-694-3833.

  • Rebates cannot exceed $1,500 per calendar year for all eligible heating equipment rebates per off-peak electric heat meter

Click on link : 2025 Fillable Rebate Form

* Rebates are applied as a CREDIT on your active Clearwater-Polk Electric account