Operation Round Up

Please take part in a worthy cause by allowing your monthly electric bill to be rounded up to the next dollar with proceeds going to community projects and charities within our service area.

This important initiative is called OPERATION ROUND UP and every customer of Clearwater-Polk Electric Cooperative can participate for just pennies a month.

How does it work? Your electric bill each month can be rounded up to the next highest dollar amount, with those extra cents going to the OPERATION ROUND UP trust. For example, if your month's bill is $72.21, you will pay $73.00 with the 79 cents going directly to the trust. By participating, you will contribute an estimated average of $6 each year - a small amount to help worthy causes in our rural community.

Your contributions to OPERATION ROUND UP are tax deductible.

The OPERATION ROUND UP committee meets twice a year, Spring and Fall, to award money from the trust to worthy applicants.  To be sure your organization is considered for donation, please have your applications submitted in May and November for consideration.

Operation Round Up Directors: Beth Erickson and  Marilyn McCollum

Yearly recipients listed below for the Trust Fund

November 2024

June 2024 - revised

November 2023

May 2023

November 2022 

June 2022

December 2021

June 2021
