Together We Save

Save Energy, Save Money

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Imagine if everyone in your co-op made one small change. Now, stop imagining. Flip a switch. Seal some cracks. Screw in a CFL. Install a programmable thermostat. Doesn’t take a lot of energy to save energy. But it sure pays off.

That’s the thinking behind, Touchstone Energy Cooperatives’ national energy-efficiency campaign.

Designed to inspire consumers to easily save energy by saving them money, is filled with tips to help members becoming more energy efficient.

The site features more than a dozen energy-efficiency interactive web applications linked to a virtual home tour, all designed to encourage co-op members throughout the country to take energy-saving actions now. Plus Touchstone Energy TV, showcasing energy-efficiency videos and the Energy Saving Forum, where members can post their own energy saving success stories and learn more information on how they can lower their energy bill.